Tampa Drug Court
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Tampa Drug Court |
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Casey Ebsary |
"People with addiction issues are not bad people trying to get good, but sick people trying to get well."
Casey Ebsary
As a qualified Tampa Drug Court Attorney, W. F. ''Casey'' Ebsary, Jr., can assist you in obtaining a substance abuse assessment by a licensed treatment provider. After the assessment, there is a treatment recommendation to the Court. In Tampa Drug Court he Judge makes an offer to the client of an opportunity to participate in the Drug Court program. If the offer is rejected, the charges are transferred to another felony division for prosecution. You can review a sample drug court pretrial intervention agreement here.
Fighting for You, a Friend, or your Family
Marijuana, cocaine, prescription, and other drug charges can be dropped. Tampa Bay area drug defense lawyer W. F. ''Casey'' Ebsary has experience and training as both a Prosecutor and helping people navigate treacherous waters when drug charges are at hand.
A team approach is used in both the Pinellas and Hillsborough County Courts. Hernando, Pasco and Polk County also offer alternative and Deferred Prosecution Programs. The Programs are a court-supervised, comprehensive drug treatment program for non-violent people charged with drug crimes. They are voluntary programs that use frequent appearances before the drug court judge and substance abuse rehabilitation by trained professionals. Twelve Step fellowships including Narcotics Anonymous are also encouraged and, in most instances, required. Participants will appear before the drug court judge every 30 to 45 days. Upon completion of the Program, the charges may be dismissed.
"comprehensive drug treatment program for non-violent people charged with drug crimes"
A team approach is used in both the Pinellas and Hillsborough County Courts. Hernando, Pasco and Polk County also offer alternative and Deferred Prosecution Programs. The Programs are a court-supervised, comprehensive drug treatment program for non-violent people charged with drug crimes. They are voluntary programs that use frequent appearances before the drug court judge and substance abuse rehabilitation by trained professionals. Twelve Step fellowships including Narcotics Anonymous are also encouraged and, in most instances, required. Participants will appear before the drug court judge every 30 to 45 days. Upon completion of the Program, the charges may be dismissed.
"petition the court for a dismissal of the charges"
Some people enter the programs as a condition of probation, successful completion may result in adjudication being withheld and/or a reduced length of probation and is a 24-month program. After completion of at least one year, persons who have completed treatment, remained drug free and completed all of their requirements of Pre-Trial Intervention or probation may petition the court for a dismissal of the charges (Pre-Trial Intervention) or early termination of probation.
The Judge decides which form of treatment, based on the recommendation found within the substance abuse assessment conducted by the licensed treatment provider. Frequent judicial review hearings and drug testing are used to closely monitor the progress in treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ
What is the Drug Court?
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Drug Court, Drug Pre-Trial Intervention Criminal Defense Attorney, DACCO, Department of Corrections |
Need More Information? Call Casey and discuss how he can fight for you, a loved one, or your family.
Casey Can Be Reached at 813-222-2220.
Tampa | Hillsborough | Pinellas | Florida | Attorney | Lawyer
How does someone qualify for the Drug Pretrial Intervention DPTI - Drug Court?
Someone must:
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DPTI - Drug Court |
- NOT have a prior felony conviction in the State of Florida or any other location
- Have a substance abuse and or addiction problem
- Be able to comply with the programs requirements & rules
- Have your own transportation in order to attend your appointments
- Be approved by the State Attorney’s Office, the Department of Corrections, Drug Pre-Tnal Intervention and DACCO (treatment agency)
What are the Main Program Requirements and Rules?
- Abstain from using all illegal drugs & alcohol
- Be able to furnish your own transportation to attend treatment appointments at: DACCO, 4422 East Columbus Drive. Tampa, Florida 33605 (813) 384-4001.
- Attend periodic case reviews in court
- Attend treatment counseling appointments to be scheduled Monday through Friday
- Abide by the Drug Pre-Trial Intervention contract
- Non-Compliance with the rules of the program may include placement in a substance abuse treatment program offered by a licensed service provider or in a jail-based treatment program or serving a period of incarceration within the time limits established for contempt of court (i.e. Up to Six Months in the Hilsborough County Jail)
- Prescribed narcotic pain medication may be limited or forbidden by the Court during the term of this program.
Drug Court and Drug Charge Defense Attorney, W.F. ''Casey'' Ebsary, Jr., provided this series of frequently asked questions about the Drug Court programs in place in Hillsborough County, Florida. Many other Florida Counties including Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Polk have similar options available to those charged with prescription drug offenses, marijuana, cocaine, and other illegal substances.